
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sweetpotato patty/Sakaravalli Cutlet without breadcrumbs and less oil

Patty the name itself tells that its well patted (in tamil we call it as "thatti ").Patties are a great way to start the day as it is easy to put together and can be eaten as it is as a snack or for breakfast .If you have a toddler at home giving them sweetpotato is very much needed as it has lots of fiber and nutritions like vitamin A in abundance which helps in eye health.
Combining sweetpotato with potato will reduce the sweetness  and adding  spice powder(chili powder) can satisfy your palates if you are a spice lover, yet couldn't take idly/dosa with sambhar/chutneys at morning time.You can prepare this and store it in refrigerator for 4-5  days. when the next time you are hungry take one and heat it and there you go .So ready shall we start ?
Little suggestion .If you are serving for your kids you may want to avoid chilipowder and green chili .Just add little pepper so it gets easily digested .This has less calaories than breadcrumbs filled paties so indulge in goodness .

Preparation time:20 min including boiling
Cooking time:10 min


  • 1 sweet potato(boiled and mashed)
  • 1 potato (boiled and mashed)
  • 1/4 tsp chili powder.
  • Pinch of turmeric.
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper crushed
  • few corinader leaves/Cilantro
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green chili
  • Oil for patties(around 1 tbsp)
  • Salt as required.

  • Boil potato and sweet potato well and mash them fine .

  • Add finely chopped onion and few finely chopped cilantro leaves .
  • Add chili powder ,salt ,pepper as well.

  • Combine all of them well together .

  • Make them in to 5-6 small balls.
  • Make patties and fill them in preheated oiled tava.

  • When one side browns flip them down (take max 4 minutes for one side to brown on medium flame)
  • Other side should brown as well.
  • Serve it with ketchup or fill it in between fresh baked bread and eat it .

  • If you are serving this to kids make sure you reduce the spice level.Instead of adding chili powder,pepper,green chilies just add pepper powder.
  • You can do it only with sweet potatoes but add more spice to balance the sweetness.
  • You can very well add other veggies too (make sure they are well streamed/boiled and mashed).  

Sending these recipe to family foodie event :healthy snack happening at Eatyourveg and bangermash


  1. Wow the lovely cutlets.. I am loving the addition of both potatoes.. They turned out so well m yummy :-P

  2. healthy 1 with very less oil...

  3. Healthy and very tasty patties...

  4. Yummy patties. Different from usual one. So good!

  5. Sweet potato. I eat it lots. Read some where unlike potato sweet potato contains lots of anti oxidants, much better for health. Will try this snac too, another good way to consume those. Thanks.

  6. I make mine the sme way too, delicious patties, can have them simply with some chilly sauce.

  7. Very healthy patties...Happy holi satya to you...

  8. I love cutlets in any form... sweet potato and oven roasted ...yes please, i'll have about half a dozen..:D


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