
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tricolor Indian Salad/Easy Salad Recipe

                 I am a big fan of Olive gardens salad in which they add vinegar,Parmesan cheese,olive oil ,Croutons(hard bread or grilled bread).lettuce etc.I never got a chance or may be i never want to try salads at home .Salads are very easy to make and they got a lot of fibre that clean your tummy .If you are hungry and want a nutritious meal salads are a best way .
             This salad is very much Indian way which means i  haven't added any of the ingredients that i mentioned in start of this post .Just the vegetables at home and little lemon juice and crushed black pepper  .Doesn't it look easy ?
            Independence day is arriving so i thought why not try some tricolour salad.I am very much Indian and i love to salute my nation ,as i am a blogger i want to do the salute in the way of food .I did tricolour salad to celebrate this occasion . You can add your favourite veggies along with the mentioned veggies and enjoy (you can also add sprouts like green gram,kala Channa,black chick peas (kondakadalai)) etc to your veggies.

Preparation time:5 min

  • 1 small carrot 
  • 1/3 cucumber/vellarikai
  • 2 pink radish/pink mullangi
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice(adjust accordingly)
  • pepper to taste /milagu
  • salt to taste 
  • Wash the vegetables and peel off the skin of carrot and cucumber (no need to peel the radish skin).

  • Using a peeler or crater make thin long pieces of all the veggies .
  • Add salt ,pepper powder,lemon juice .
  • Serve them immediately .

  • If you are packing this salad for lunch don't add lemon juice to the veggies .Pack it in separate box to add to the salad later.
  • You can add purple onions(regular Indian onions),tomatoes,lettuce ,green gram (pasiparupu),kala Channa/black chick peas(kondakadalai) option is endless .
  • Crating the veggies this way makes your salad more yummier but you can crate them very small too if you have small kids who cannot munch the veggies this big .

Linking this recipe to gayathris arinellikkai oorukai

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