
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

No Microwave Popcorn/Homemade Popcorn

     These days I am in need to make some snack for my little one after she comes from school. While thinking of options I thought about popcorn. Its easy to make popcorn from the packets available at market, but I didn't want to do that. Usually the ready to pop packets are laden with salt and butter and not very healthy. I wanted make it  from scratch. That's when i saw Elise doing a perfect batch of popcorn .
What you need ?

     To make a perfect popcorn you only need 2 ingredients , a big pot like pressure cooker or cooking pot along with covering lid (this pot should hold the popcorn while popping). The pot should not be too heavy because you need to shake it while popping . Of course you still need corn kernels and salt.

To make a perfect popcorn in home can be little tricky .

What is a perfect Popcorn ?

     It should not be burnt and also all the kernels has to pop ,that is the perfect batch of popcorn.
Follow the instructions carefully to make a perfect batch. These pop corns are perfect  for a snack on a weekend.

Some other easy snack recipes

  1. Poha chivda(aval mixture)
  2. Cheerios Bhel
  3. Granola Bars

Cooking time:10 min


  • 1/4 cup corn kernels.
  • 2 tbsp oil (with a high smoking point).
  • salt as required.
  • Large pot like pressure cooker for popping the corn.

  • Heat the oil in pressure cooker .
  • Add 2-3 corns and wait for it to pop.
  • When it pops add the remaining pop corns and take the pot out of stove.
  • Count to 30 (this will heat the corn kernels to right temperature for popping ).
  • Place the pot back in the stove, add salt to the pot and  keep the lid ajar as an air vent .
  • When the popcorn starts popping, shake the pressure cooker/pot  gently.(You have to do this while cooking with the pot in the flame)
  • The kernels will start to pop and will be ready with in 10 minutes .
  • Transfer it to serving bowl immediately.

  • If you want to add butter you have to add it after you transfer the popcorn to serving bowl.
  • Add butter to the pot, after it melts dump the popcorn and mix it well.
  • You can add caramel for a caramel popcorn(I did not try this... yet) 
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Linking this recipe to Fullscoops giveaway


  1. I make this in a same way :) looks perfect..

  2. wonderful and very helpful post... my kids just love to have pop corn i usually by the microwave one and cook for them this sounds so easy.. a definite try Satya

  3. wow....nice way to make a healthy popcorn.. Thanks for sharing.. My son loves it very much...will try this :)

  4. Wonderful looking popcorn

  5. this looks perfect... the kids love pop corn but I am yet to make them at home... must try...

  6. Even I don't use microwave for pop favorite

  7. Perfect pop corn, my mother -in-law used to make it in pressure cooker.

  8. Wish I had a pack of popcorn to munch now,...yours tempting me sis..

  9. I wish I had some now, I'm craving for a eve snack! Nice recipe for perfect popcorn!


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