
Monday, November 24, 2014

Golden Milk|Turmeric Milk

     Turmeric milk is also called golden milk because of its color.According to me it taste bit similar to masala milk(but very low in calories than that)
     This golden milk i usually do when we have cold or cough.Add little pepper makes it little spicy and good during cold days. Adding of turmeric gives a nice color to the milk,it has more medicinal benefits too(explained at the end of post).When my daughter catches cold i do follow all of the below mentioned points to give a quick relief(It takes at least 2 days).

These are some of the remedy my grand ma and my mom did for us .Now i am doing it for my daughter.
    When she has stuffy nose or when her eyes get wet during cold.I do "othadam" which can be done with kitchen towel wrapped.
  • How to do Othadam:
                Heat a tava ,try to touch the tava with the base of wrapped towel.It should be hot.You can check the temperature when you are doing for kids .then try to put it in forehead ,neck ,below the eyes (can be done whenever it is paining)
  • Try to take more vitamin c.
  • Making a hot shower reduces nasal congestion.
  • People apply some medicinal leaves that take the water out the head(cold air inside head is the cause for head aches)
  • Add more veggies,pepper to your diet.
  • Try to drink more warm water(heat in microwave for 20-30 seconds).
  • Reduce the milk intake(try to dilute the milk and give the kids)
  • Add this golden milk day,night.You can substitute honey with sugar too.(sometimes i do that)

Golden milk

Golden Milk/Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk                      Golden milk is a natural remedy for cold and cough

Cuisine: Indian Category: Drink Yields: 2 cups Prep time: Cook time: 10 minutes Total time: 10 minutes

  • 1 1/4 cup milk with 3/4 cup of water(if using during cold try to use low fat milk)
  • 3 pepper crushed
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • honey to taste
  • Mix milk,crushed pepper,turmeric and heat the milk until it boils.
  • I usually boil my milk even though its pasteurized.
  • You can also heat the milk in microwave.
  • Please avoid cold milk .use warm milk at least .Warmth gives easy digestion.
  • When it boils keep it aside to cool a bit .
  • Add honey when the milk is warm.
  • Drink immediately.
  • Drinking this milk at night gives a good night sleep when you have cold and cough.
  • You can also add little ginger .be careful you don't add much because pepper itself gives the spice needed.
Golden milk

  1. Keeps the body warm at winters.
  2. Aids easy digestion.
  1. Indian cooking is incomplete without turmeric.Its mainly used it savory dishes.
  2. Helps in weight loss (i am not sure but read some where)
  3. Best antibiotic and antioxidant that kills germs and viruses inside your body without any side effects.
  4. Gives a good night sleep.
  5. Anti inflammatory and gives bone strength.
  6. Its a blood thinner which increases blood circulation.
  7. Turmeric is used a beautifying agent .In olden days married women apply turmeric everyday to preserve their beauty.
  1. Soothes throat and gives a nice sleep

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  1. wow very nice dear :) very healthy milk :)

  2. my colleague tells me she gives this to her child daily... I would love to try this with my kids as well, though I dont know how they would take it... they are continously having cough and cold and maybe this should help...

  3. I love to have this when I have cold it's delicious

  4. Lots of benefits drinking milk with turmeric!

  5. very healthy .. perfect fr winter

  6. Love this turmeric milk!! Perfect drink for the season!!

  7. Perfect comforting drink,thanks for sharing

  8. I do this too, but I use pana vellam instead of honey..

  9. Never tasted neither made. But I am going to because its lovely. Honey will definitely be my choice.

  10. Mom uses panna vellam in turmeric milk. This is a must have when down with cold. Perfect drink any time and lovely clicks too


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