
Monday, December 22, 2014

HomeMade Dinner Rolls|Pav Recipe

 Homemade dinner rolls or pavs -is a bread used to make Indian street food vada pav.
         Lately, I am into baking bread ..My long time dream..I failed many attempts of wholewheat bread baking.But succeeded somehow my oven makes me think twice before I start the bread preparation.
     My little one was asking me for burgers, so I am determined to do it. I tried whole wheat burger buns, but not satisfied with the texture of it.This time, I thought I would do half by half ( half whole wheat and half all purpose).
      Pavs turned out to super soft and delicious without eggs and with 50 % goodness of wholewheat..I baked the buns in a circular plate that's why they are circular.If you use rectangle or square plate for baking, pav buns will be rectangle.
     The secret of making the soft and perfect bun is Knead until elastic, make them rest and rise.Bake them until brown ..Inspired from Vegrecipes.

pav buns

                                 Home Made Dinner Rolls|Pav Recipe

Pav recipe        Soft Pav buns made with wheat flour for vada pav

Cuisine: International Category: Bread Yields:10 medium sized buns  Prep time:3 hours minutes Cook time:25 minutes Total time: 3 hours 25 minutes

  • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp instant yeast/Can substitute active dry yeast(see notes section)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1 1/2 cups water (or required).

  • Sieve the flours.
Seive the flours

  • Mix wheat flour, all-purpose flour, yeast, salt, sugar, oil.
combine all of ingredents

  • Mix them together before adding water to it
Mix together well.

  • Add water and knead it to a dough.
Add water and knead it

  • Knead it for 5 more minutes to form a gluten.Now the dough is elastic.
Make it to elastic dough

  • Cover it (can use a kitchen towel) until it doubles(at least 1 1/2 hours, try to keep in warm place).
Keep it for raising

  • Seperate into equal size balls of 8-10 .
  • Flatten them,strech the ends and hide the ends at bottom.Do this 4-5 times.
  • Grease oven safe plate and keep the balls in it.
Divide them in to equal sized balls

  • Cover it again until the balls doubles in size.
Cover it until it doubles

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until the sides are brown.
Bake in oven for 25 minutes

  • Add ghee or butter to the top for a glaze.
  • Cool,  and store in an airtight container until use.
Pav buns are ready to taste

  • If  using active dry yeast instead of instant yeast use 20 percent more yeast.
  • Active it/proof it before adding to other ingredients.
How to proof active dry yeast:
  • Add warm water to the yeast placed in a small bowl.When the yeast bubbles up (it takes at least 10-15 min ) add it to other ingredients.
  • Be careful while using active dry yeast not to add too much water.

Recipe revisiting: Update on the recipe: You can also use  2 cups of whole wheat flour. To make the dough soft grind 1 tbsp of flax seed with 3 tbsp of water until paste/coagulate.Then mix along with other ingredients and proceed.

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  1. This looks so good and perfect! love the pictures!

  2. The dinner rolls looks very tempting Sathya. Soft and super delicious

  3. they look super soft... so well made...

  4. Turned out super good and super tempting.

  5. Healthy pav buns.. looks very soft..

  6. When I was child, that time I had so much this rolls pav after a long time.. Saw this recipe.. thanks for sharing ingredients

    Shahi Paneer Recipe


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