
Saturday, April 25, 2015

How I started My life

      How i started my life - How i took bold steps to win in life.It was around 14 years back...Its longgggg back.One fine day we landed in my aunts house.We had to visit counselling center to select the college which i am going to study.

       There were lots of questions in my mind .I am going to be alone(without my parents) in my life for the very first time. Do I make myself courageous? can I stand alone ? can I make it until the final step ? will I get a good job, while coming out? The only answer to above all questions will be choosing the best college.But already that is decided by the marks I got in my engineering exams!

        Now we were going to choose a college that is available to me based on cut off marks.I chose a college that looked very appealing to me , never seen the college name in the handbook of colleges which I read as a bible everyday .That ended long blabbering about the colleges on day and night.

        I packed the things required for my settling in hostel,this time was more painful. But I had to make/take this huge step of staying in hostel for my studies otherwise my life will become a big question mark
       When I entered the hostel a dark complexioned mustached bald man invited us inside to show the rooms. he offered tea in huge glasses. Tea was so good and it made me think of staying in the hostel is ok for the time being.

       There were times which I really enjoyed in college and hostel days. Our field trips- became a tour and we visited so many different places.Our teachers too enjoyed with us during that time.Then, hostel cook- who I really admire.they got patience to cook for nearly 200 people everyday.They made really nice food, I really miss. I was madly in love with the tea served in my hostel.

      During college days sometimes I wished that I had stayed home. When I got jaundice in third year  just before my exams, I was totally depressed .My body was very weak, I couldn't even open my eyes after 9 PM . I saw others study until 2 Am , and I was really scared and thought  Will I clear this exams? . This time I missed my parents dearly. My friends took care of me very well . Finally !!! exam results came and I cleared the exams. Thank god I made it.
All my pain gone when I settled in my job. If some one like me can make it up to this level.Why not you? #StartANewLife

Check this out for housing

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