
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rotini pasta with White sauce.

My little one loves pasta, I guess she takes after me. Fettucini Alfredo is one of my favorites. I make pasta once a week for dinner. Its a quick and easy week night dinner. When buying pasta I usually get the whole wheat or whole grain ones. Pasta dishes with sauce are usually high on calorie count. Using a whole grain pasta is one way to make it a little healthy I guess. I used Whole grain Rotini in this recipe. I made a White (Bechamel) sauce to toss the pasta in. This was the first time I made white sauce and it came out well. Here is the recipe.

Cooking time:30 min


  • 1 pound Whole Grain Rotini / Any pasta of your choice.
  • 1 tbsp salt.

For sauce:

  • 2 cups milk.
  • 2 tbsp butter.
  • 3 tsp All purpose flour/ Maida.
  • 1/2 tbsp grated nutmeg powder.
  • 1/4  tsp salt.
  • 2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese.


  • Boil water in a deep bottomed sauce pan with 1 tbsp salt.

  • When it comes to boil (when bubbles raise) add pasta and cook until Al Dente.
  • Al Dente means that pasta should have a bite but still cooked through.
  • Once cooked drain the pasta thoroughly.
  • Reserve some pasta water for the sauce
  • Do not over cook the pasta, it will turn mushy and make the dish flavorless.

  • Keep the Ingredients for the sauce at hand.
  • In a sauce pan add butter .
  • Add flour to the butter and saute till it changes color and become sandy consistency (Usually known as making a Rue), do this in a low flame.

  • Now add the cold milk (boiled) and keep stirring to avoid any lumps.

  • After 5-7 minutes the mixture will thicken up into sauce like consistency.
  • If sauce is too thick add the reserved pasta water.
  • Now add Parmesan cheese and Grated Nutmeg .
  • Now add the cooked rotini pasta to this and toss .

  • Serve hot it in pasta bowl with Grated Parmesan Cheese and black pepper.   

  • Dont cook the pasta with pressure cooker .unless you know the correct time and water to cook them with
  • The sauce should be hot otherwise you feel you are eating some rice flour over pasta.
  • If you are not worried about fat content add more cheese that gives fantastic flovor to pasta.
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linking it to Shrutis event

1 comment:

  1. Very colorful, quick and delicious pasta, thanks a lot for linking it to the CWS event, waiting for more delicious entries dear....


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