
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

First award on blogging journey(Liebster award)

I have seen this award in some places and did not know the details about it. I got three of this awards from my blogger friends and I must thank Preetha,Resna & Arthy for giving me the award .This award is for budding bloggers to encourage them in their blogging journey and its for bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

There were some questions asked by presenter and winner has to answer those questions and link back to the presenter and nominate some new bloggers who have less than 200 followers and ask them some  questions and inform them about the award in their blog .

Questions asked by Preetha .

  • Describe yourself in 3 words.

  • Your likes and dislikes.
               Love cooking and I hate fatty foods

  • How did you pick your blog name?
              Husband suggested this name and it was pretty unique and i loved it

  • At what age did you get your hands on cooking and fist dish you prepared (Don't tell me tea/coffee)?                 Around 20 years . Before that I used to help mom with cutting ,cleaning ,mixing and simple things in kitchen .First cooking experience was making chapathi and it turned out good .

  • What ingredient you haven't used in your kitchen yet but would love to experiment with?     
                               More Icecreams. Love to do milkshakes but haven't yet gotten the oppurtunity to make many milk shakes.

  • Your Signature Dish.(If in your blog please provide the link).

  • Favourite recipe which you love to cook.
                     Love to bake cookies,cakes for my daughter .

  • Fame or Money and why?
                     Like to have little fame that way I feel that I have achieved something.

  • Two BEST PHOTOGRAPHED pics on my blog :A Bowl Of Curry" (provide link).
                     Murungaikai dal and Kothumba payasam

  • Any two recipes which you would like to try from my blog (provide link)
                    Mathanga payasam and fruitcustard

  • Big lavish parties or small intimate dinners - which is your entertaining style?
                    Love small intimate dinners so that we get to know each other in person

  • When you cook something tasty, do you lick your plate when you're done??? 
                   Definitely i lick my plate when something is tasty but have to behave myself in public .

Questions asked by Resna 

       1) Describe yourself and blog?
            I My name is Sathyapriya .My blog is Mykitchenodyssey and it gave me new lease on life and improved my confidence to another level. Now I am proud that I am helping someone in someway (you know its exciting)

2)   How much important you are giving for blog?
         Whenever I cook something I want to make it perfect and take pictures of the dish right away to give my readers a wonderful recipe and give them a reason that they want to try that dish.

3)   Which is your favourite food?
         I love all my regional foods. I love vadas especially and I fell in love with panipuris when i was pregnant.

4)   What are the unavoidable stuffs in kitchen?
       I cannot cook without my tempering items.Whatever may be the dish it has to temperred in someway right , atleast for indian cooking .

5)   Any cookery tips?
        There are ways you can make finger licking foods without much oil .That's what I strive for.

6)   Any dish that you didn’t prepare yet but love to prepare?
          I love to make slushies ,smoothies which are healthy and easy and stomach filling .But haven't had a chance to try them out .

7)   Who is your big support?
       My husband is my big support (positive and negative way ). Postitive meaning he encouraged me to start this blog and without good food he ends up being sad (negative way). My mom always tells me do something useful (I am happy that I do something useful)

8)   Who is your criticizer?
          My husband for sure .

9)   If you are a working person how you are managing both working and blogging?
          I am a stay at home mom and I want to make my time useful for me,my family and for others.

10) How you make your kitchen fresh and neat?
         After I cook hurriedly in the morning I will clean my place right away. Then I will do other things.
   Questions asked by Arthy 
  •        How did you get introduced to blogging?
              I was little stressed at that time because we had just moved and I was not doing                         anything creative.My husband asked me to write a blog .

  •      Any special person you want to dedicate this journey to ?
               I want to thank my husband, sister, mother in law and my mom. I dedicate my site to                my daughter ,she is such a accomodating cute little girl.

  •     Your favourite dish from your blog?
                   Bananaflower vada is my favourite

  •       Most earned credits goes to which dish from your blog?
                        Vellai paniyaram

  •      Now a days learning process is made visible online,Various youtube videos has made even kids can join this journey ?what d you feel regarding the same?Any changes you would like to specify?
                  A good change i guess, because of this we can cook everything from pizza to                        parathas without going to cooking classes.

  •      Any obstracles to blogging?how did you overcome them?
                  Weather is the biggest challenge i guess .Whenever i shop i used to buy the items                  which i use regularly in bulk .

I have to pass this some bloggers who have a wonderful space but not got recognition .This time I got to know that I have blogger friends who have either got the award or well established ( more than 200 followers). I researched and got to know about these people .Congratulations guys.

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Aparna of
Priya of
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My questions to nominees are 
  1. What brought you to blogging? your passion or passtime?
  2. Give a little introduction about your family?
  3. What is your favourite food ?
  4. Apart from indian food what is your most favorite food? Are you open to try other cusines ?
  5.  Who is your inspiration ?
  6. You like blogging or cook and click?
  7. Your signature dish ?
  8. Favourite recipe in your blog?
  9. Your cooking guru?
  10. How well you know your kitchen ? If you lose electricity can you take everything from the right place ?


  1. Congrats on the award Priya! It's great to hear that all bloggers, regardless of audience size, are being recognized for their hard work. Keep up the good work! :)

    1. thanks much emily.thats def is a boost for bloggers i guess.keep in touch.

  2. Congrats Sathya Priya!! Thank u so much for nominating me for the award :)

  3. Thanks a lot for nominating me for this award......Keep Rocking........:)

    1. U deserve the award.Stay in touch n many thank u .

  4. A big congrats for ur first award.I am sure u'll get more.Nice to know more about u.What u have written about you are very similar to mine.I too love oil-less foods.My blog title was suggested by my hubby etc.. :) Good.Keep rocking :)

    1. Glad to know ur similar to me .Big thnk u too, for motivating me on my first step .

    2. Congrats sathya for ur award. Thank u for visit my space and add your comments

  5. Congartulations Sathya; best of luck for future blogging journey ;)


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