
Thursday, August 7, 2014


I Never saw this bean variety before,it happened  to me one fine day .I was surprised to see it and i got it with a curiosity how it will be  .I guess they taste a bit different from our regular curry beans and  taste similar like "asparagus" which i never tasted .You can add some peanuts while tempering if you like little crunchiness while eating this veggie .
Its called long beans but according to me the taste is little different than our regular beans .When i searched for it wikipedia says Its also called "yard long beans","Chinese long beans" ,"Pea bean" ,"Snake bean".
I am returning to my schedule slowly and will be posting as usual very soon .So until then please be patient.

Looking for some easy sidedish then try

Preparation time:5 minutes
Cooking time:15-20 min

  • 10-12 long beans(use fresh one)
  • 1 1/2 tsp sambhar powder
  • salt as required 
For tempering:
  •  1/2 tsp mustard seeds/Kadugu
  • 1/2 tsp urad dal /uluntham parrupu
  • 1 tbsp oil


  • Wash the long beans well using a wide bowl .
  • Cut them in to 2 inch long pieces (for easy cutting take a bunch of them like 10 and cut them).

  • Heat the tava and add oil to it .
  • Add mustard seeds .let them splutter
  • Add urad dal .Let it change colour  .

  • Add the washed and cut long beans and stir in high flame for 5 minutes.

  • Make the flame low and cover it with lid and cook for another 5 minutes .

  • Add sambhar powder ( spice of your choice) and mix them thorough .

  • Keep the flame low and cook it for another 7-8 minutes .
  • Finally add the required salt and mix it well  together .
  • Enjoy it with your favourite rice variety .


  • Don't pressure cook this beans then they will become spongy and lose its taste and texture .
  • If you don't have sambhar powder add 1/2 tsp chili and 1/2 tsp coriander powder.
  • If you wish to have these for your curd rice ,you can increase the spice level too.

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