
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tomato Dosa/Instant Dosa/Easy Dosa Recipe/Breakfast recipes

            My hubby and my kid love dosa. I try to hide the  ingredients that they don't like in the dosa and the dosas will be devoured in an instant. My hubby likes specific sourness like tamarind, lemon but is not a fan of tomatoes. One time I made tomato kulambhu he didn't like it.
  I wanted to try this tomato dosa for sometime, but was little skeptical how he will respond. To my surprise he liked the dosa very much. More over  this dosa requires not much fermentation .Dosas like this are  good if you forget to get your rice dosa batter out for fermentation or you don't have enough batter left for an unexpected guest.
 In a jiffy you can prepare this for them and they would be surprised !how fast you are?  how good and different the dosa taste?

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some different  dosa you can make

This week for the saturday snapshots assignment is "chilies" so i included a picture of it in this post .

Preparation time:1 hour soaking time+1/2 hour rest time +20 min grinding time
Cooking time :25-30 minute for the whole batch
Yields:15 medium size dosas


  • 1 1/2 large country tomatoes(naatu thakkali)
  • 1 cup boiled rice(pulungal arisi)
  • 1 handful of urad dal(uluntham parupu)
  • 1/2 tsp Jeera(jeeragam)
  • 3 red chili(vara milagai)
  • salt as required .

  • Soak boiled rice and urad dal for one hour.

  • Cut tomatoes very small pieces .
  • Grind together tomatoes,jeera,chili and soaked rice and urad Dal.

  • Grind it to a smooth paste(takes about 20 min )

  • Heat dosa tava and add oil to it.
  • Put the batter to the tava when its hot and spread it .

  • Add oil to it and Cover it with lid .
  • After a min flip it when the other side is roasted take it out .
  • Serve it with your favourite chutney or sambhar .

  • If you cut the tomato to large pieces you cannot grind in a tabletop grinder(i got the tomatoes out 3-4 times) .Better grind the  tomatoes in mixer
  • If you don't have country tomatoes add 3-4 medium size plum tomatoes .
  • If you are not able to spread the batter you can add little water and check the consistency .
Linking this to Saturday Snapshots -Week 2 fun hosted by Shweta@ Merry Tummy & Siri@  Siri's Food

Linking this recipe to gayathris arinellikkai oorukai

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