
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Pulkhas/Parathas/Indian Flat bread


Pulkas are indian flatbread varieties made with whole wheat flour ,which gets puffed in direct gas or a holed pan placed on gas.These flatbread are the staple food of north india where every state got little variations to the basic recipe in name of roti,parathas,phulkas etc.While we south indians do once in a while  .While whole wheat flour has got many nutrients like protiens (do you believe it got protiens ? i read about it recently).

.How to make pulkas ?how to make parathas ?I know many of you might know how to make one while some of you may not know this.This post is about how i make them .
When i studied college i know only about chapathis my mom makes,While searching for job i got to know it from my aunt .My aunt is expert in north indian cooking .She cooks wonderful phulkas,pavbhaji and methi parathas .I gave tips to many others after i learnt from her ,That is another story .To make phulkas is very easy and involves very little trick and will be good while serving hot with dry curries or dals.

Preparation time:5 min
Cooking time:15-20 min
Yields:10-11 pulkhas

  • 2 cups wheat flour.
  • salt as required.
  • 1 1/4 cup water ( change according to flour to flour)
  • Add wheat flour with water and salt.
  • Knead them well to form a thick dough.
  • Divide them in to lemon size balls.
  • Dust them with wheat flour and roll them in rolling pin until they are thin and even.

  • Heat the plain griddle until piping hot.
  • Put the chapathis and wait until bubble forms.

  • Turn the other side and cook them until more bubble comes.

  • Now make the flame very high and transfer the griddle to other stove.
  • Put the chapathis in flame directly .
  • You can see it raise.

  • Turn them /Flip them and cook it for a second.

  • Serve them hot with curry of your choice.


Paraths are also made with wholewheat flour and will be flaky and got many layers.Parathas will be good for tiffen box while they stay soft because it got little more oil and got many layers in it .They stay good when you want to pack something for a day trip .You can eat them with stir fried veggies or simply with raitas or little yogurt/curd.

Cooking time:10-15 min
Yields:6-7 (for same amount of wheat flour mentioned in pulkhas)

  • Prepare the dough the same way as mentioned in pulkha preparation.
  • Divide the dough  in to 6 balls.
  • Add a drop of oil to it.
  • Roll them even using rolling pin.

  • Make a triangle shape by folding them in half and again fold them in quater.

  • Now add little more oil on both sides .
  • Roll them until its even(its ok if its little thick).
  • Heat the griddle.
  • When its piping hot put the parathas in the griddle.

  • Wait until the bubble forms.
  • Flip them and wait for some more bubbles.

  • When you turn them the third time add oil to both the sides.

  • Cook until you see dark spots on both sides.

  • Serve it with Curry of your choice.

If you are searching for some curries check 


  1. Perfect phulka...stepwise picture helps lot..

  2. Seriously, I didn't know there's differences between chappati and pulkhas. Sure it was something I found out after reading through your intro. The bread is yum, puffy and soft. Bring on a delicious curry and its perfection.

  3. very useful post.. So well bth paraha n phulka s have puffed..

  4. Perfectly made phulkas and paratha. Well done good job dear....

  5. Nicely made rotis.. You can apply oil on the paratha before folding it if you want to get layers in it. Also applying more oil/ghee while roasting on griddle helps in improving the taste..

  6. Useful post dear ..Perfectly made too !!

  7. Nice Phulkas Satya Priya Karthik...yemmy parathas too..lovely pic

  8. Very nice post satyapriya, love it.

  9. My all time fav Phulkas....look so yummy

  10. perfet Phulkas and paranthas dr.I'm so happy to follow u.If u find time visit my page........

  11. Perfect phulkas and paranthas, very nicely explained.... I am happily following dear, will be happy if you can also follow me back.

  12. Perfect phulkas and parathas!loved your explanation too!


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