
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gulab Jamun Recipe/Easy Desserts

This Method of making gulab jamoon is the easiest compared to other methods.Getting ready mix and put together and enjoy the dessert right ?
   How Did you all  celebrated Diwali ?Breakfast without jamun on diwali day ?I can't think .This is our breakfast plate on Diwali day .

Diwali thaliGulab jamun is one sweet usually present in Diwali breakfast without fail, as far as i remember .Its easy and it taste heavenly .We kids eat it a lot and will finish around 30 jamuns within 2-3 days during our childhood days .Now my kid loves jamun a lot . knead,fry and dip ..Very easy right ?My mom gets RK gulab jamun mix but here i don't get the same brand .I got gitz which is equally good .

Some easy sweets for festive occasion

Tips to get perfect gulab jamun

  1. While frying the Gulab jamuns keep the flame low otherwise you get the brown colour outside inside it will be raw
  2. Add exact amount of water not too much not less .In previous case you can't roll the balls in later case you get cracks while rolling .
  3. Jamun balls should be crack free otherwise it will just melt in the sugar syrup you can't find the full balls in the syrup.
  4. Sugar syrup and water added to the jamun mix will be mentioned in ready made mix box,so note it down and do it accordingly .
  5. Don't press the balls hard while rolling ,then  jamuns will be raw inside and will be heavy too (you can't cut it with spoon easily)

Gulab Jamoon
Preparation time:15 min (preparing sugar syrup and kneading the mix)
Cooking Time:30 min
Yields:40 Jamuns

Ingredients :

  • 200g gulab jamun mix
  • water for kneading the jamuns(around 100 ml)
  • Oil for deep frying/Ghee 
For sugar syrup:
  • 3 cups sugar (i used brown sugar)
  • 3 cups water 
  • 2 cardamon (crushed)

  • Mix gulab jamun mix by adding water little by little .When you get a sticky chapati dough stop adding water .


  • Roll them in to balls of equal size by greasing your hand with ghee or oil .

  • In a kadai add oil and heat it .
  • Carefully add the gulab jamun balls in batches like 4-5 

  • Keep on turning them to get even browning on all sides.
  • When the colour is deep brown .Take it out and filter the oil by using paper towel.

For sugar syrup:

  • Add sugar and water to a deep pan .
  • Add cardamom powder as well .
  • Keep on stirring in for 5-10 minutes .

  • No need of getting any string consistency here.
  • Add the jamun balls when it is little hot to the sugar syrup .
  • It will absorb the syrup and will be fluffy and sweety  in 2 hours .

Soft and perfect gulab jamoon

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Linking this to Saturday Snapshots -Week 4 fun hosted by Shweta@ Merry Tummy & Siri@  Siri's Food 

Linking this recipe to Fullscoops giveaway

Linking this to Mayuris page and swathis favourite recipes event 


  1. Happy Diwali , this treat is perfect for the festival.

  2. life saver wen you have sudden guests... Happy diwali

  3. beautifully made jamuns

  4. Good one Sathya.. :) Wish I could grab it from screen :)
    Hope you had a gread diwali.. :) belated wishes :))))

  5. lovely gulab jamuns....Happy Diwali dear

  6. gulab jamun looks so tempting:)
    Lovely diwali pics. hope u had a great diwali

  7. Nicely made jamuns.. looks yumm..

  8. Nice to see ur Diwali celebration.Jamuns I used to love it as a kid and now my daughter too.

  9. Looks like you had a wonderful diwali, lovely platter with so many goodies love it.

  10. lovely diwali photos. Gulab jamuns look yummy. Thank you for linking the recipe to the diwali event.

  11. Gulab jamun looks very tempting Sathya.


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