
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Nutritious BreakFast/Sprouts-Bean Patties

        I love patties a lot because they are nutritious,delicious (fibre,iron ,vitamins etc),easy to make and good to store in refrigerator for sometime .This Sprouts-Bean patty is one such Nutritious Breakfast .At  lazy mornings you can just get them out of refrigerator and heat it in oven/stove and have it with bread .When your  kids are hungry ,this is the best nutritious breakfast they will have.
      Adding of breadcrumbs give a crunch to the outer layer of the patties.If you don't have crumbs its fine to omit it as well .You can bake Cutlets in oven if you wish or just searing them will give a perfect texture to the patties .

My love for patties got extended with other patty recipes like
  1. Sweet potato Patty
  2. Potato patty
  3. Black bean patty

Sprouts patty

Preparation time: 10 min(apart from 8 hours soaking and 20 min Pressure cooking time)
Cooking time:15 min

Ingredients :

  • 1/2 cup black beans(soaked for 8 hours and cooked)
  • 3/4 cup sprouts made of green gram Dal(cooked)
  • 1 onion (finely chopped)
  • 1 green chili(finely chopped)
  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • coriander leaves
  • salt as required
  • Breadcrumbs (required)
  • Oil as required .


  • Soak black beans for 8 hours and cook it till it become soft.
Cooked blackbean

  • Sprout the green gram Dal the day before  by soaking in water for 7-8 hours and filter the water the previous night you make this patty .Morning it will be all sprouted and ready .Cook it for a whistle in pressure cooker.
Cooked greengram

  • Mash beans and green gram well.
To make Breadcrumbs :
  •        Roast bread in tava until it becomes crunchy.Tare them to pieces and blend it to powder.

BlackBean cutlet


  • Mix finely chopped onions ,green chilies to the mashed green gram and black beans.
Dal and onion mixed
  • Add chili powder ,salt to it as well.

Chili powder mixed

  • Roll them together to form a ball and pat it .
Roll and pat it

  • Coat it with breadcrumbs .
Coat it with breadcrumbs

  • When the tava is piping hot sear the patties one at a time.
Sear it on Tava

  • Add oil to both sides and flip them when one side is done.
  • When both sides are crunchy ,its all ready .
  • Add some ketchup to it and have it .
  • You can also add it to your bread and have a whole meal .

Greengramdal Cutlet

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Linking this recipe to Fullscoops giveaway

Linking this to Mayuris page and swathis favourite recipes event 


  1. wow dear such a wonderful idea of making cutlets.. they are just looking yummy.. bookmarked :)

  2. That sounds too delicious and of course very nutritious!!! Love for patty will always be !

  3. Even I love patties as they are tasty and nutritious!!!! These patties looks yum and I am going to try it soon!!!!

  4. Such a healthy and delicious patties, love the addition of black beans..

  5. Healthy and delicious patties, so rich in protein..

  6. Sprouts cutlets? Gosh!! You sure know how to invent new recipes. Its a beautiful outcome, crispy and delicious. Btw, am following you on networkblog. Appreciate the same please.

  7. healthy and delicious recipe.... bookmarked...

  8. interesting and healthy recipe as you have used green moong and black beans. Thank you for linking the recipe to the diwali event.

  9. Love it. I make green gram patties, but never used black beans. Patties and presentation looks awesome :)

  10. Good idea to have black beans. ....which is usually hated by kids because of the color


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