
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Beetroot Pasta|Indian Style Pasta

        Beetroot pasta made in Indian style-
                     Pasta's are kid favourite ,now its become every body's favourite right?.My family is no exception ..we love pasta with cheese, so i try to make white sauce pasta .When there is much pizza sauce left ,i do pizza sauce pasta too.I am getting constant request from readers ,"How i make Indian style pasta "?This is an attempt to make one such Indian Style pasta to please kids with whatever you have at home.You can add any fresh herbs like coriander or mint leaves while serving.
           Beetroot Pasta has no oregano,butter or any other seasonings,feel free to add seasoning if you have any.Its a Sweet and mild spicy pasta, if you want a spicier beetroot pasta add 1-2 red chilies more.
Beetroot pasta

                                         Beetroot Pasta|Indian Style Pasta

Beetroot pasta                                    Indian style Beetroot pasta

 Cuisine: Indian Category:Dinner|lunch Yields:4 cups Prep time:30 minutes Cook time:10 minutes Total time:40 minutes

  • 1/2 pound uncooked fussili/rotini/penne/Shell pasta or 4 cups cooked pasta.
  • 1 beetroot (boiled).
  • 1 red chili(add 2 for more spice).
  • 1 garlic clove.
  • 1 tbsp pepper powder(adjust).
  • 1 tbsp olive oil.
  • salt as per taste.
  • 1 tsp oregano(optional).
  • cheese(optional).
Beetroot pasta

Preparation for Beetroot pasta:
  • Cube the beetroot and steam them for 10 min or until tender.
un cooked beetroot

  • Cool the beetroot and puree them along with red chili and  a tsp olive oil .
  • Chop garlic very fine.
  • Cook pasta according to packet instructions.
How i cook pasta:
  • I usually cook pasta with 2 the amount of water and salt required(we can adjust the salt later but just taste the water,it has to be salty).
  • Add pasta to the boiling water and cook them until aldente(perfect).
  • Drain the excess water add fresh water and wash it .This will keep the pasta not to get cooked there after.
  • Keep this pasta aside.
Cooking of Beetroot Pasta:

  • Add remaining olive oil to a tava ,add chopped garlic to it.Saute for a few seconds.
Add garlic to the olive oil

  • Now add pureed beetroot  to the tava.
Add pureed beetroot as well.

  • Add required salt as well.Let this get cooked until the raw smell goes off,at least for 5 min.
Add cooked pasta

  • Now add the cooked pasta and toss well,add pepper powder to the pasta .
  • Add oregano or any seasoning at this point.
  • Beetroot pasta is ready.Serve it with grated cheese if available.

Beetroot pasta ready
  • Add more red chili for a spicier version.
  • You can also add grated cheese when serving it kids.Cheese reduces the spice so add it when you make a spicier version.
  • You can also make pasta with your left over chutney(mint-coriander chutney/chat chutney).
  • Add any Italian seasoning or oregano-chili flakes if you wish.
  • You can use any style of pasta like fusili,rotini,shell,bow-tie,penne etc.

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  1. Very innovative &healthy recipe priya.

  2. So colourful! Looks very appetizing!

  3. so yum.. Very colorful and healthy pasta. sometime I mix the left over beetroot chutney with plain cooked pasta ..

  4. Gosh!! Such a beauty and healthy too.

  5. colourful and healthy pasta!! love the fusion!!

  6. very innovative way to get fussy kids to eat their pasta! great for adults too - looks stunningly good

  7. Hi ,Priya first time here ,good collection of recipes , an easy way to feed kids with beet root

  8. Colour looking good Beetroot combination is good best snacks for tourists
    indian restaurants in new jersey

  9. innovative pasta recipe.. looks yum..

  10. Lovely and innovative recipe.. The pasta looks too good.. Happy new year dear

  11. wow look at the color ; it is so pretty

  12. Oh beet colored pasta has been in my to do list since long u have done it so well.

  13. Seriously! Looks like Strawberries are lying...will make it.

  14. Wow what a presentation! Looks super colorful and healthy too!

  15. Very nice and colorful pasta. Very innovative and new dish. I am gonna give it a try. :)

  16. actually d color is damn catchy...ehhehheee..healthy pasta dear

  17. Love the way this pasta looks. ..definitely trying this. ..

  18. nice and very are damn good...

  19. Healthy, colorful and so unique


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