
Monday, August 24, 2015

Fruit Salad With Watemelon and BlueBerry | Easy Fruit Salad | Watermelon Recipes

  Fruit salad is a very quick and healthiest meal/snack anyone would ever have.Have i told you i have never seen this much variety of fruits before coming to US .Wanted to try so many different recipes, tried quite a few fruits like pineapple,strawberry,mango,banana,peach (lassi),cantaloupe (juice) .This fruit salad happened just the previous week ,when i bought a whole watermelon.
watermelon mint salad

  Watermelon and Summer are synonym,am i right ? When ever watermelon starts peeping in shops  anyone can tell it is officially start of summer.Here in US we get it all year around,its only that it is costly in off season.
  There is no need of recipe for a watermelon.A piece of watermelon from fridge is really the energy booster/cooler on a hot summer afternoon,right ?.This summer we got whole watermelon quite a few times and happily eating the cooled slices each and everyday.
      Salad is really light meal .also quick to whip up.Some people like salad/fruits for dinner.But its not the case in our house.Idli,dosa or chapathi will be in dinner plates quite often.We people like fruit as a midday meal around 11 or after our lunch.


  • You can add chopped nuts to make the salad nutty.I added soaked and peeled badam without chopping in my kiddo's share.
  • I am just giving reference for the measurement i used.You can add whatever fruits you like/have in the salad.
  • If you like sweet salad, then add some honey with lime juice for topping the fresh fruits.
  • Mint leaves added a nice aroma and peppy green look to the salad.Its a great plus if you like fresh green.


                                Watermelon -Blueberry salad with lime dressing                                     

watermelon mint salad1                How to make watermelon blueberry fruit salad recipe 

 Cuisine: Indian  Category:Dinner/Snack  Serves:1-2 Prep time:15 minutes
 Cook time:   Total Time:15 minutes.

  • 2 cups watermelon(chopped).
  • 1/2 green apple.
  • 3/4 cup blueberry.
  • 1 tsp lime juice.
  • pepper to taste.
  • salt to taste.
  • few chopped mint.
  • Wash watermelon,apple ,blueberry and mint.
  • Peel the skin off apple(no need if you use organic apple)  and watermelon.
  • Chop them in to equal bite size pieces and add to serving bowl
  • Add lime juice,salt,pepper powder and chopped mint leaves.
  • Mix it well and serve.
  • If not serving immediately, add lime juice and salt while serving.Keep the chopped fruits in airtight box.


  1. Healthy colorful n yummy salad......... :)

  2. A lovely colourful, refreshing with every bite kind of salad. True dear with Watermelon in the supermarkets we know summer has commenced. Such a calorie free fruit watermelon is. I loved your yummy salad.

  3. Healthy, refreshing and colorful one :)

  4. Love fruits in any form... this salad surely looks refreshing :) Perfect for the season :)

  5. Ahh....... This looks so refreshing !!

  6. Very refreshing watermelon in any form!!


  7. Indian Foods are very spicy and very tasty. Thanks for sharing...!
    Food Menu

  8. Refreshing and colourful salad! Tempting clicks!!


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