
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Strawberry Jam Recipe | Strawberry Recipes

Strawberry Jam- a easy and quick jam you can make at home.At busy mornings toast bread ,fill in jam.Tada.. breakfast ready..Homemade jams are always best because there is no preservatives and no pectin.

Strawberry jam recipe

What is Pectin?
   Pectin a thickening agent in jams.Some fruits like apple,grapes has got high pectin where as strawberry,raspberry,blueberry are low in pectin.You can combine low pectin fruits to high pectin fruits or make pectin at home and combine it with low pectin fruits to make thick jelly like jam.
    I never thought about pectin in jams.This is going to be a simple strawberry jam full of flavors with less sugar better than store bought jams.
Simple Ideas for using Jam:
     Make jam rolls(with chapathi or dosa),or just gulp them as is when you are not eating a jam sandwich.To celebrate valentines day this jam comes in handy(see the very last picture).
Strawberry jam recipe

Canning/Storing the Jam:
  • If you have bulk amount of jams to be canned.How can you do it ?
  • Let the mason jar be sterilised either in water or oven to kill any bacterias.
  • Fill the jam in mason jars leaving half inch space to top.
  • Sterilise again to kill the bacterias present outside.
  • Cool and store.
  • When ever using the jam use fresh spoon to scoop.This makes the jam stays longer.
Lets see how to make strawberry jam.
Strawberry jam recipe

                                       Strawberry Jam Recipe | Strawberry Recipes

Strawberry jam recipe                       How to make Strawberry jam without pectin and preservatives

 Cuisine: World Category:Breakfast | Snack Yields:3 cups Prep time:5 minutes Cook time:40 minutes Total time:45 minutes

  • 1 pound strawberry/around 450 grams(crushed to 2 cups)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
How to cook Strawberry Jam:
  • Wash the strawberry's well.Cut the stem.
cut the stem

  • Cut it in to large chunks.
Cut the strawberry

  • Keep them in deep dish,so that you can crush it easily.
place strawberry in deep bowl

  • Crush it with masher to form a puree(don't use mixer).
Crush strawberry

  • Leave little chunks ,not too fine.
Crushed strawberry's

  • Add it to the pan and cook along with lime juice for 10 minutes.
Strawberry and lime juice reduced for 10 minutes

  • When most water evaporates you can add sugar.
add sugar to the strawberry reduced

  • Let the sugar gets mixed well and the jams gets cooked in low flame for 20-25 minutes.
  • Stir occasionally and keep an eye on them not to burn the bottom.
  • After 35-40 minutes when u drop the jam the last drop will fall very late.Use this drop test to get the perfect texture of the jam.
Drop test for strawberry jam

  • Strawberry jam is ready.Cool and store in a sterilised container.Remember to use fresh spoon every time.
  • Jam has got some chunks of strawberry makes you feel like you are eating the real fruit just not the taste.
  • Lets Sterilise the bottle or container used to store the jam.I kept them in oven safe plate at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.Use oven mitt to take it out of the oven.Cool and store the jam.
  • You can keep them in boiling water too.Be careful not to break the bottle.
Strawberry Jam served with bread

  • Adding of lemon/lime juice is needed to bring out the flavor of the jam.So don't skip.
  • You can use even less sugar.But this measurement is perfect according to me.
  • Similar you can make raspberry,blackberry or any other jam.
  • When the berry's are too ripe ,there is very less pectin present in them.
Some Basics:

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Sending these beauties to remya event


  1. Awesome recipe with excellent details!!!! Superb....

  2. homemade stuff is always good.. this looks amazing

  3. I have tried strawberry jam and absolutely loved it... this looks amazing...

  4. Yep - homemade is simply the best. The jam is also the best.

  5. useful info on jam..Nice pics too...

  6. Super tempting jam. Thanks for the recipe

  7. Your strawberry jam is tempting me......... Looks so yummy... :)

  8. Lovely recipe with striking colour..I make strawberry and banana jam...which is also a great combination:)

  9. Homemade jams are so much better and healthy than store brought ones. Looks yum!

  10. Even I am planning to make mixed berry jam this weekend...yours turned out its color :)

  11. Looks so good!!! Kids would love it:)


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