Spinach - one of the highly consumed leafy vegetables in India. It is commonly called 'palak' and there are so many mouth watering recipes you can make with this green.Today I am going to share with you a collection of recipes from mykitchenodyssey.Before goign to the collection lets see some nutrition information.
In a 100 g serving, there is only 23 calories. But you have to eat when its fresh,quickly blanched,steam or quick boil to get all the nutrients present.Palak is rich in vitamins like manganese,folate,vitamin K.While reading the above information in Wikipedia I found that packaged spinach undergoes radiation to increase the shelf life and also to kill the harmful bacteria present.So you are asking whether is there any loss of nutrients ? Even after exposure there will be some vitamins intact like vitamin c,e,k,b9 and four carotenoids.So the experiment showed there is no such big loss considering the benifits of killing any harmful bacteria present.
So how this leafy green got famous? Do You remember the popeye show?The minute he drinks the puree from the can he get some bust and he will put off the villain. The iron content in spinach is wrongly assumed to be 10 times more than the actual value because of the decimal point misplacement by a german scientist.So its a myth but not real story.Also while eating please consider It is one of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables. So wash thoroughly or try to get organic produce.
This is a collection of palak recipe at one place.So the next time when you bring a afresh bunch and was thinking about some different recipe try from this list.Try something new not the boring old recipe you know before. So you get a fresh feeling. Going to the collection which has many kids favorite and many easy and some authentic recipes.
First and unique is palak soup : a simple interesting recipe I tried. Try to replicate a soup I tried from a restaurant. Taste was almost same and, of course, lighter. This will be a perfect pair for a rainy drowsy weather .Also consider it when you are down with fever and recovering.

Palak dal: I usually make this dal 2-3 times in a week. This is my go to recipe .I don't measure and it is mild and simple one. Is very healthy and is comfort meal when you want to just eat light.

Dal palak: This is a similar recipe with the previous one but with less spicy and more thick consistency.We call it kootu in Tamil. This side dish perfectly pair with a spicy gravy like puli kulambhu or with chapathi.

Palak Paratha:an Indian style flatbread. A good option for carb and greens in one go. This bread will go little hard,but kids will love it when you prepare phulkas or a thick paratha.

Keerai poriyal: one of the simplest side dish ever.Just temper and saute the leaf.Its simple yet delicious and healthy side dish.

Palak puri: poori is everybody's favorite. When some leafy vegetables is combined with it then why can't you make it for kids? .Best breakfast and lunch box item.

Keerai biryani: Have you made biryani with spinach? I am surpised after making this simplest and most yummy recipe made with basmati rice and freshly ground spices without any fancy ingredients but with the same great taste.Try and let me know.

Cheese Spinach sandwich: You got only 5 minutes for your breakfast? But you want some veggies inside? Then don't look back make this quick yummy breakfast and get energy for all day. Kids would surely give thumbs up.

Spinach Pasta: Another one of my innovative recipe. Just love every bite of this creamy pasta but wait there is no heavy cream.butter or any of the Italian spices which are not available in your pantry.

Guess you all like this roundup.Let me know how you use palak in your kitchen .
In a 100 g serving, there is only 23 calories. But you have to eat when its fresh,quickly blanched,steam or quick boil to get all the nutrients present.Palak is rich in vitamins like manganese,folate,vitamin K.While reading the above information in Wikipedia I found that packaged spinach undergoes radiation to increase the shelf life and also to kill the harmful bacteria present.So you are asking whether is there any loss of nutrients ? Even after exposure there will be some vitamins intact like vitamin c,e,k,b9 and four carotenoids.So the experiment showed there is no such big loss considering the benifits of killing any harmful bacteria present.
So how this leafy green got famous? Do You remember the popeye show?The minute he drinks the puree from the can he get some bust and he will put off the villain. The iron content in spinach is wrongly assumed to be 10 times more than the actual value because of the decimal point misplacement by a german scientist.So its a myth but not real story.Also while eating please consider It is one of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables. So wash thoroughly or try to get organic produce.
This is a collection of palak recipe at one place.So the next time when you bring a afresh bunch and was thinking about some different recipe try from this list.Try something new not the boring old recipe you know before. So you get a fresh feeling. Going to the collection which has many kids favorite and many easy and some authentic recipes.
First and unique is palak soup : a simple interesting recipe I tried. Try to replicate a soup I tried from a restaurant. Taste was almost same and, of course, lighter. This will be a perfect pair for a rainy drowsy weather .Also consider it when you are down with fever and recovering.
Palak dal: I usually make this dal 2-3 times in a week. This is my go to recipe .I don't measure and it is mild and simple one. Is very healthy and is comfort meal when you want to just eat light.

Dal palak: This is a similar recipe with the previous one but with less spicy and more thick consistency.We call it kootu in Tamil. This side dish perfectly pair with a spicy gravy like puli kulambhu or with chapathi.

Palak Paratha:an Indian style flatbread. A good option for carb and greens in one go. This bread will go little hard,but kids will love it when you prepare phulkas or a thick paratha.

Keerai poriyal: one of the simplest side dish ever.Just temper and saute the leaf.Its simple yet delicious and healthy side dish.

Palak puri: poori is everybody's favorite. When some leafy vegetables is combined with it then why can't you make it for kids? .Best breakfast and lunch box item.

Keerai biryani: Have you made biryani with spinach? I am surpised after making this simplest and most yummy recipe made with basmati rice and freshly ground spices without any fancy ingredients but with the same great taste.Try and let me know.

Cheese Spinach sandwich: You got only 5 minutes for your breakfast? But you want some veggies inside? Then don't look back make this quick yummy breakfast and get energy for all day. Kids would surely give thumbs up.

Spinach Pasta: Another one of my innovative recipe. Just love every bite of this creamy pasta but wait there is no heavy cream.butter or any of the Italian spices which are not available in your pantry.

Guess you all like this roundup.Let me know how you use palak in your kitchen .
very nice collection
ReplyDeleteSoup looks so yummy and healthy